tiny humans mini camp
DESCRIPTION: CGA will be offering five weeks of camp for Tiny Humans this summer! Camp will take place in our designated preschool gym, incorporating gymnastics, games, fine motor stations, crafts, and a daily snack. Each week has a unique theme to shape our lesson plans.
AGES: 3 - 5 years old
All participants must be bathroom-independent
PRICE: $125 per week (not eligible for discounts); Daily registration is also available for $45 per day.
TIME: Monday, Wednesday, Friday; 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Week 1: June 10, 12, 14 - Animal Adventure: Dive into the wilderness as we learn about animals in nature.
Week 2: July 8, 10, 12 - Silly Scientists: Celebrate science with an introduction to the scientific method and basic science concepts.
Week 3: July 15, 17, 19 - Community Helpers: Identify our community’s helpers and the roles they play.
Week 4: July 22, 24, 26 - Cosmic Cadets: Explore the solar system, sun, moon, and Earth.
Week 5: July 29, 31, August 1 - Artistic Antics: Creating with color and creative expression